Changing a Nominode's Configuration

Changing a Nominode's Configuration

Switching from a Local Database to a Remote Database

  1. Open a local, telnet or ssh session with your server.
  2. Navigate to the folder where your Nominode software is installed and execute these commands:
    ./docker-compose exec mysql mysqldump -u root -pmysqlroot nomnomdata | grep -v "Using a password" > backup.sql
    docker run -i mysql:8 mysql -h <host> -P <port> -u <user> --password=<password> <database> < backup.sql
  3. Edit the config.ini file in the config folder under the folder where your Nominode software is installed and change these lines:
    hostname =
    port =
    username =
    password =
    database =
    db_engine = mysql
  1. For <host> specify the DNS name or IP of the MySQL server hosting your remote database.
  2. For <port> specify the port number that your MySQL server is listening on.  3306 is the usual port number.
  3. For <user> specify the user name of an account with write access to your remote database.
  4. For <password> specify the password corresponding to the account with write access to your remote database.
  5. For <database> specify the name of your remote database.
   4. Execute this command to pickup the configuration changes and begin using the remote database:
./nnode restart

Changing the DNS name of a Nominode

  1. Open a local, telnet or ssh session with your server.
  2. Navigate to the folder where your Nominode software is installed.
  3. Edit the .env file.
  4. Change the value after DNS_HOSTNAME= to match the new DNS name.
  5. Execute this command to pickup the configuration change:
    ./docker-compose up -d
  6. You should also update your Nominode's name and URI by following these steps:
    1. Open and click on the Login button in the upper right hand corner of the website.
    2. Log in using your Nom Nom Data account.
    3. Select Nominodes under the Manage menu in the upper right hand area of the website.
    4. Click on the name of the Nominode that you want to update.
    5. Change the Name and URI fields as desired.
  7. Regardless of changes made to your Nominode's name, URI or DNS, it will remain uniquely identified by it's UUID.

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