Performing Debug Steps on a Nominode

Performing Debug Steps on a Nominode

There are many pieces of information that can be gathered and commands that can be run when a Nominode is in an unhealthy state to investigate the source of the issue and to recover from it.  All of the commands described below should be run in the folder where your Nominode software is installed.

Displaying Container Health Information

Nominode software is a multi-container Docker application.  docker psdocker-compose ps and docker-compose images will all produce information about your currently running containers.  While docker ps will include the Container ID, Image and Creation Time that docker-compose ps does not, it also includes any running containers that are not part of the Nominode application.  You can use the --format parameter with docker ps to see just the information not exposed with docker-compose ps and docker-compose images.  Below are typical output examples from a healthy Nominode.

docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.RunningFor}}\t{{.Status}}"
CONTAINER ID        NAMES                   CREATED             STATUS
b2b9a4d678c2        nominode_workers_5      45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
4c5775c5d364        nominode_scheduler_1    45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
e5e2af0db190        traefik                 45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
200a9f0cc4db        nominode_mysql_1        45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
708e6fb1ed71        nominode_redis_1        45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
269f627c7687        nominode_dockerhost_1   45 minutes ago      Up 45 minutes
8140b4af383d        nominode_api_5          46 minutes ago      Up 46 minutes (healthy)
9ddd0d3fac92        nominode_ui_1           49 minutes ago      Up 49 minutes (healthy)
ed04ac2d1221        prometheus              17 hours ago        Up 17 hours
b723f9f19b3d        nominode_minio_1        17 hours ago        Up 17 hours
acf82673a77d        cadvisor                17 hours ago        Up 17 hours (healthy)
e7c2454ae05a        nominode_loki_1         17 hours ago        Up 17 hours

./docker-compose ps
Name                    Command                          State          Ports
cadvisor                /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtost ...   Up (healthy)   8080/tcp
nominode_api_5          ./                         Up (healthy)   4101/tcp
nominode_dockerhost_1   /                   Up
nominode_loki_1         /usr/bin/loki -config.file ...   Up             3100/tcp, 80/tcp
nominode_minio_1        /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint ...   Up             9000/tcp
nominode_mysql_1 mysqld      Up             3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
nominode_redis_1 redis ...   Up             6379/tcp
nominode_scheduler_1    ./main scheduler                 Up
nominode_ui_1  yarn  ...   Up (healthy)   7076/tcp
nominode_vault_1 serve ...   Exit 1
nominode_workers_5      ./main worker                    Up
prometheus              /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up             9090/tcp
traefik                 / traefik           Up             3306/tcp,>443/tcp,>80/tcp

./docker-compose images
Container                                     Repository                                      Tag                            Image Id       Size
cadvisor                google/cadvisor                                                       v0.33.0                        752d61707eac   68.61 MB
nominode_api_5   staging-20-02-19-da80a427      ebf4f7786a40   341.7 MB
nominode_dockerhost_1   qoomon/docker-host                                                    latest                         9d4938b708c5   7.879 MB
nominode_loki_1         grafana/loki                                                          v1.2.0                         7c166fdca7fe   44.26 MB
nominode_minio_1        minio/minio                                                           RELEASE.2019-10-12T01-39-57Z   67fec10c1e88   50.96 MB
nominode_mysql_1        mysql                                                                 8                              791b6e40940c   465.2 MB
nominode_redis_1        redis                                                                 5                              44d36d2c2374   98.21 MB
nominode_scheduler_1   staging-20-02-19-da80a427      ebf4f7786a40   341.7 MB
nominode_ui_1     staging-20-02-18-dc03fbad      c1930afe7e84   734.2 MB
nominode_vault_1        vault                                                                 1.3.1                          aa7801420b95   139.9 MB
nominode_workers_5   staging-20-02-19-da80a427      ebf4f7786a40   341.7 MB
prometheus              prom/prometheus                                                       v2.15.2                        b715301fa5eb   132.7 MB
traefik                 traefik                                                               v2.1                           651438efd845   70.34 MB

./docker-compose top
You can display detailed process information for each container from docker-compose using the top parameter.
UID     PID    PPID    C    STIME   TTY     TIME                                CMD
root   17222   17179   11   Feb18   ?     01:56:34   /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr --housekeeping_interval=5s

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME           CMD
root   12813   12784   0   15:16   ?     00:00:00   /bin/sh ./
root   13071   12813   0   15:16   ?     00:00:01   ./main webserver
root   13166   13071   0   15:16   ?     00:00:04   ./main webserver
root   13172   13166   0   15:16   ?     00:00:28   ./main webserver

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME              CMD
root   14495   14446   0   15:17   ?     00:00:00   /bin/sh /
root   14855   14495   0   15:17   ?     00:00:00   /bin/sh /

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                              CMD
root   17168   17087   0   Feb18   ?     00:00:40   /usr/bin/loki -config.file=/etc/loki/local-config.yaml

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME              CMD
root   17274   17129   0   Feb18   ?     00:00:12   minio server /mnt/data

UID    PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME      CMD
999   14783   14740   0   15:17   ?     00:00:20   mysqld

UID    PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME             CMD
999   14496   14455   0   15:17   ?     00:00:07   redis-server *:6379

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME           CMD
root   15918   15891   0   15:18   ?     00:00:02   ./main scheduler
root   16010   15918   0   15:18   ?     00:00:06   ./main scheduler

UID    PID    PPID   C   STIME   TTY     TIME                          CMD
root   9734   9708   0   15:13   ?     00:00:01   node /opt/yarn-v1.22.0/bin/yarn.js start:prod
root   9836   9734   0   15:13   ?     00:00:06   /usr/local/bin/node build/server.js

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME          CMD
root   16132   16099   0   15:18   ?     00:00:02   ./main worker
root   16350   16132   0   15:18   ?     00:00:03   ./main worker
root   16535   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker
root   16536   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker
root   16537   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker
root   16538   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker
root   16544   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker
root   16545   16350   0   15:18   ?     00:00:00   ./main worker

 UID      PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME                                 CMD
nobody   18242   18212   1   Feb18   ?     00:16:52   /bin/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

UID     PID    PPID    C   STIME   TTY     TIME           CMD
root   15428   15395   0   15:17   ?     00:00:04   traefik traefik

Producing Container Logs

The docker-compose logs command will display the current run logs of all of the Nominode containers.  It is strongly recommended that the output be redirected to a text file.  The file will contain 200 MB or more of data.  You can limit the log output to a particular service, by including the service name at the end of the command, such as docker-compose logs api or dock-compose logs ui.

./docker-compose logs > nominode-logs.txt

This command will generate all of the logs with output redirected to a text file.

Recreating and Restarting Containers and Services

In the course of bringing a Nomimode back to a healthy state, it may be necessary to restart some of its containers or services.

./nnode restart

Gracefully restarts all running services, waiting for any Tasks running on the Nominode to complete prior to restarting a service.  Useful for picking up changes made to a Nominode's config.ini file.

sudo systemctl restart docker or sudo service docker restart

Restarts just the Docker service.  Useful if the Docker service has entered an erratic state due to memory or other resource exhaustion.

./docker-compose restart

Forcefully restarts all stopped and running services.  Useful if a Nominode service dies, disappears or becomes unresponsive.

./docker-compose up -d

Builds, (re)creates and starts containers for all services.  If there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation, docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers (preserving mounted volumes).  Useful if changes are made to certain Nominode configuration files, like the .env file.

./docker-compose down

Stops and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by docker-compose up.  Useful when you want to completely stop the Nominode software.
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