Administering Your Nominode
Changing a Nominode's Configuration
Switching from a Local Database to a Remote Database Open a local, telnet or ssh session with your server. Navigate to the folder where your Nominode software is installed and execute these commands: ./docker-compose exec mysql mysqldump -u root ...
Uninstalling a Nominode
Shutting down a Nominode and Removing the Nominode software Open a local, telnet or ssh session with your server. Navigate to the folder where the Nominode software was installed and execute this command: ./docker-compose down -v Then navigate to a ...
Managing Permissions on a Nominode
In the Permissions section of your Nominode, you can control what actions each user of your Nominode can perform. A general description of Permissions architecture can be found in the Nominode Permissions Overview support document. Viewing which ...
Nominode Permissions Overview
In the Permissions section of your Nominode, you can control what actions each user of your Nominode can perform. Detailed instructions for how to modify permissions can be found in the Managing Permissions on a Nominode support document A Project ...
Maintaining a Nominode
You can use the Status section of your Nominode to view information about your server. Determining the Version of your Nominode Software Click on Status in the left hand navigation menu. The current version of your Nominode software will display next ...