Nominode Installation and Configuration
Installing a Nominode
3. Ensure that you have local console access or can create a remote session via the telnet (23) or ssh (22) port on the server where you will install the Nominode.
4. Ensure that you can access the http (80) or https (443) port on your server.

The Nominode installer uses curl, bzip2, and Docker. If these programs are not available on your server, the Nominode installer will attempt to automatically obtain and install them for you. If it is unable to do so, you will need to manually install them.

Only the most recent version of Docker is supported, though other versions may be compatible.
Known issues exist when trying to use certain older versions of Docker with Nominode software.
6. Open a local, telnet or ssh session with your server.
7. Create a service user account with root access to your server to use for the rest of these steps and for running the Nominode software.

Avoid using the sudo command to perform the installation, as doing so will then require using sudo for version upgrades, as well.
8. Create a folder where you would like to install your Nominode. /opt/nomnomdata is recommended.
9. Navigate to the folder that you created and execute this command:

If your server is unable to access the installer using the curl command, you can manually place
the Linux installer on your server by downloading it from and then copying it to the folder that you created.10. Execute these commands:
chmod a+x nnode
./nnode install
11. Review the license agreement presented by the installer and decide whether or not to accept it.
12. If the installer detects that Docker is not available on the server and automatically installs it, you will need to issue this command after the Docker installation completes and then run the installer again to actually install the Nominode software:
newgrp docker
./nnode install
13. If you do not already have a DNS hostname for your server, answer 'No' when asked if you want to enable SSL and enter the server's IP address when asked for a DNS hostname.
14. Wait for the installer to fully complete before proceeding. Some steps may take a few minutes.

The installer creates a local MySQL database for the Nominode to use for storing its own data. If you are setting up a Nominode for testing or trial purposes, the local database is sufficient. However, if you are planning to use your Nominode in a production context, then follow the steps to
switch from a local database to a remote database.

If Docker was installed as part of the setup process, then be sure to take the extra steps to ensure that the Docker service is set to automatically start whenever your server is restarted:
If the Docker service is not running, then the Nominode software will not function properly.
Initial Configuration for a Nominode
- Connect to http://<your server's DNS>/setup
- Log in to your Nominode using your Nom Nom Data account.
- Name your Nominode uniquely and select the Organization that will manage it.
- Click the Submit button.
- Wait for the configuration tasks to complete.
- Log in again to your Nominode using your Nom Nom Data account.
- You are now ready to Add Users, Apps and Tasks to your Nominode.

Easy Option
We are happy to install and configure your Nominode for you.
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